mandarin 发表于 2010-9-27 19:54:34


本帖最后由 mandarin 于 2010-9-27 20:06 编辑

I am the wife of Mao Tse-tung
Who raised the weak above the strong
When I appear the people hang upon my words, and for his sake whose wreaths are heavy round my neck
I speak according to the book
When did the Chinese people last expose its daughters?
At the breast of history I sucked and pissed
Thoughtless and heartless, red and blind I cut my teeth upon the land and when I walked my feet were bound On revolution.
Let me be A grain of sand in heaven's eye and I shall taste eternal joy.

cqdanielzh 发表于 2010-11-12 22:26:22

[-k] 也丢掉了,成开尾了。

mandarin 发表于 2010-11-12 22:44:28


dorp 发表于 2010-11-21 14:06:49

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